Where are The Awakened and Wandering Stars Series Going?

Those of you who have been following along with me on this journey of storytelling and independent publishing know that the road has been filled with a variety of scenic overlooks, as well as obstacles. In order to keep pace with the rapid changes occurring in the industry, I’ve been forced to adapt my plans accordingly. The unfortunate side effect of this is some confusion among readers about such things as the titles of my books, the order in which they are being published, and the overall plan.

I’d like to take this opportunity to clear up these questions if I can.

The first thing you should know is that I’m working on one giant story, beginning with the first generations of humanity on earth and stretching all the way to the end of the world. Literally. In scope, this story is only a subset of much larger events taking place. In particular, it is limited to a select group of beings who have invaded human civilization and are trying to manipulate it for their own means, and the ones who are trying to stop them. With such a large span of time, cultures, and technologies, you should expect the story to take on attributes of various genres, sometimes all at once, sometimes in phases. As with any story of epic scale, you should also expect subplots of personal and emotional struggle, themes of courage and redemption, and other subtleties. But if I had to simplify it, I would say:

At its core, it is a story of conflict. Throughout its entirety, the conflict will progress from Fantasy to Military-Fiction to Science-Fiction.


In chronological terms, the first part of the story, taking place in a prehistoric Fantasy setting, is experienced primarily from the perspective of Sariel, an angel who attempts to intervene on behalf of mankind. As a prequel to the Awakened, this series will explain all the background information used in the Awakened series, including the identity of all the antagonists, the existence and creation of parallel worlds, the portal between them, and the “keys” required to move through the portal. There are four novels in this series.

Incarnation: Wandering Stars Volume One (available)
Manifestation: Wandering Stars Volume Two (available)
Inhabitation: Wandering Stars Volume Three (available)
Regeneration: Wandering Stars Volume Four (available)


The second part of the story begins with the emergence of a human warrior, Kael, who is destined to bring about victory over the enemy. Experienced primarily from Kael’s perspective, this series will explore the implications and consequences of events that occurred in the past, and will move through multiple worlds and cultures with varying degrees of technological and sociological development. This series, being a sequel to the Wandering Stars, moves from an ancient Fantasy setting to a modern, Military-Fiction setting, and then on to a Science-Fiction setting. There are nine books planned for this series, as well as an omnibus or combined edition for each grouping of three (1-3, 4-6, and 7-9).

Awaken His Eyes: The Awakened Book One (available)
Paths of Destruction: The Awakened Book Two (available)
Hands to Make War: The Awakened Book Three (available)
Combined Edition: The Awakened Books One through Three (available)
Seeds of Corruption: The Awakened Book Four (available)
Hidden From Men: The Awakened Book Five (available)
Foundations of the World: The Awakened Book Six (available)
Combined Edition: The Awakened Books Four through Six (available)
(Untitled): The Awakened Book Seven (not yet written)
(Untitled): The Awakened Book Eight (not yet written)
(Untitled): The Awakened Book Nine (not yet written)
Combined Edition: The Awakened Books Seven through Nine (not yet written)

At the time of this update, only the first volume of the Wandering Stars series and the first five books of the Awakened series are available. At the time of this update, the Wandering Stars series is complete, but only the first six books of the Awakened series are available. My original plan, after releasing the three Awakened books, was to write the entire prequel series so that the foundation was properly laid in the minds of readers. Due to reader demand, I later decided to attempt moving both series forward in parallel. The idea was to limit the amount of time that readers had to wait before experiencing the next installment of their favorite characters’ lives. In order to stay afloat in the violent waters of indie publishing, I cannot promise that I will be able to move each series forward with the same frequency. But I will do my best to deliver what readers want.

There is also the possibility for spin-offs and additional novels, but I can’t comment on that now. Who knows what the future will bring and what opportunities may be available to me when these two series are nearing their conclusions? All I know is that I have an active imagination and will only put restraints on it to maintain the integrity of the overall story.

I hope this clears things up. If you have any questions, feel free to comment on this discussion or send me an email (jasontesar@yahoo.com).

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