Send Me Your Questions

Have you heard of the Ask The Author program on Goodreads?

It’s a great new way for readers to interact with their favorite authors and get more information about the things they’re interested in. I just enabled this feature on my Goodreads profile, and I wanted to invite you to participate.

If you have questions about any of my stories, characters, or my writing process, click here and start typing. I’ll answer it when I’m able, and when I do, both the question and answer will appear on my Goodreads profile and in the newsfeeds of my followers. You’ll also be notified on your Goodreads homepage and by email. If you don’t have any questions of your own, you can always visit the page and browse other readers’ questions and my answers.

I look forward to hearing from you,


If you’d like to be notified when my next book is released, sign up for my email list here.
If you’d like more information on the Ask The Author program, you can find that here.