The following is a glossary of characters, terms, and locations mentioned throughout this and subsequent books of the Awakened series.

The vowels section below contains characters, or arrangements of characters, which are used in the pronunciation section of glossary entries. Each vowel sound is followed by an example of common words using the same sound.

The additional consonants section also contains characters, or arrangements of characters, which are used in the pronunciation section of glossary entries. These sounds are not used in the English language, but examples are found in other languages and are listed for reference.

Glossary entries contain the word or phrase, its correct pronunciation (including syllables and emphasis) if needed, and a description. The format for each entry is as follows:

Word or phrase  \pro-nun-see-ey-shuhn\  Description


[a] apple, sad

[ey] hate, day

[ah] arm, father

[air] dare, careful

[e] empty, get

[ee] eat, see

[eer] ear, hero

[er] early, word

[i] it, finish

[ahy] sight, blind

[o] odd, frost

[oh] open, road

[ew] food, shrewd

[oo] good, book

[oi] oil, choice

[ou] loud, how

[uh] under, tug


[r] rojo (Spanish)

[zh] joie de vivre (French)

[kh] loch (Scots)


Aaron Stafford  \air-uhn staf-erd\  Head of the linguistics team for the mysterious organization helping Adair.

Adair Lorus  \uh-dair lohr-uhs\  Colonel and governor of Bastul.  Husband of Maeryn.  Father of Kael.

Adussk  \a-duhsk\  The female Orudan god of healing.  In Bastul, the temple erected in her name is located on an island in the center of the Nescus River.

Aelia  \ey-lee-uh\  The daughter of Adair and Maeryn Lorus, Sibling of Kael.

Ajani  \ah-jah-nee\  The youngest male slave in the household of Adair.  Childhood friend of Kael.

Ampur  \ahm-pewr\  A city in the Southern Territory of the Orudan Empire, located west of Leoran.

Ananel  \a-nah-nel\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Anod-Kem  \a-nod kem\  The mountain range that runs southwest from Orud through the Southern Territory of the Orudan Empire.

Arakiba  \ah-rah-kee-buh\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Arden  \ahr-den\  Childhood friend and fellow monastery student with Kael.

Armaros  \ahr-mahr-ohs\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Aulus Sentiun  \ou-luhs sen-tee-uhn\  Colonel and governor of Orlek.

Azael  \a-zey-el\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Bahari  \bah-hahr-ee\  Former criminal, who became an informant for Adair after being caught.  Later became captain of a merchant ship.

Baraquijal  \bah-rahk-wi-zhahl\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Bastul  \ba-stewl\  Southern-most city in the Orudan Empire, located at the tip of the Southern Territory.  Referred to by many as the “Southern Jewel” for its glittering beauty in the way that its waters reflect both sunrises and sunsets.

Batarel  \bah-tah-rel\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Berit  \bair-it\  Childhood friend and fellow monastery student with Kael.

Bestio  \best-ee-oh\  A member of Captain Gryllus’ crew.

Calvus  \kal-vuhs\  Soldier of the Orudan Empire who served under Adair in Bastul.

Cerrar  \sair-ahr\  Capital city of the Eastern Territory of the Orudan Empire, located south of Nortuk.

Coen  \koh-en\  Childhood friend and fellow monastery student with Kael.

Dacien  \dey-see-en\  Former captain of the guard of Bastul, who later becomes General of the Southern Territory of the Orudan Empire.  Friend of Kael.

Danel  \dan-el\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Darren Jensen  \dair-en jen-suhn\  Security Two (S2) of the special forces unit which rescued Adair.

Devon Greer  \de-vuhn greer\  Team Leader (TL) of the special forces unit which rescued Adair.

Donagh  \dohn-ag\  Childhood friend and fellow monastery student with Kael.

Durio  \der-ee-oh\  Rainer’s alias while serving as a member of the High Council of Orud.

Ebnisha  \eb-ni-shuh\  Friend, servant, and scribe of Sariel.

Equitus  \e-kwi-tuhs\  The female Orudan god of equality.  In Orud, the temple erected in her name also serves as the ground-level entrance to the Resistance headquarters.

Eric Thompson  \air-ik tomp-suhn\  Assistant Team Leader (ATL) of the special forces unit which rescued Adair.

Ezeqeel  \ez-e-kee-el\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Garust  \gair-uhst\  A high-ranking officer with the Resistance, who accompanies Maeryn and the slaves from Bastul to Orud.

Grumio  \grew-mee-oh\  Maeryn’s assistant while she served as second-in-command of the Resistance.

Gryllus  \gril-uhs\  Captain of the trade vessel Kael uses to hide in after escaping the Monastery.  Usually referred to as Captain.

Gursha  \ger-shuh\  Proprietor of the Dockside, a tavern in the shipping district of Bastul.  Informant for Adair.

Horace  \hohr-uhs\  Childhood friend and fellow monastery student with Kael.

Jim Helmsley  \jim helm-zlee\  Director of Western Operations for the mysterious organization helping Adair.

John Martinez  \jon mahr-tee-nez\  Security One (S1) of the special forces unit which rescued Adair.

Jomajael  \johm-jey-el\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Jorn  \yohrn\  Childhood friend and fellow monastery student with Kael.

Kael  \keyl\  Son of Adair and Maeryn Lorus.  Sibling of Aelia.

Kaliel  \kuh-leel\  An ancient and mysterious religious organization serving the demon god Rameel and seeking to reclaim the earth for his ownership.

Kokabiel  \koh-kuh-bee-el\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Korg  \kohrg\  The singular name for a member of the Korgan.

Korgan  \kohrg-en\  The barbaric peoples of the uncharted territory northeast of the Northern Wall.  Also called Korgs.

Lemus  \lee-muhs\  Colonel and governor of Bastul, appointed as Adair’s replacement after the former governor’s disappearance.

Leoran  \ley-ohr-uhn\  Capital city of the Southern Territory of the Orudan Empire, located southwest of Orud.

Leorans  \ley-ohr-uhn\  Citizens of Leoran.

Maeryn  \mair-en\  Governess of Bastul.  Wife of Adair.  Mother of Kael and Aelia.

Magnus Calidon  \mag-nuhs kal-i-don\  General of the Northern Territory of the Orudan Empire who later becomes emperor.  Leader of the Resistance.  High priest of the Kaliel.

Mark Zylski  \mahrk zil-skee\  Communications Operator (Comms) of the special forces unit which rescued Adair.

Matsuri  \mat-sewree\  Warrior of the Fortress City and friend of Kael.

Miguel  \mi-gel\  Commander of Armaros’ ground forces in South America.

Narian  \nair-ee-uhn\  Childhood friend and fellow monastery student with Kael.

Nelhut  \nel-hoot\  A city in the Northern Territory of the Orudan Empire, located northeast of Leoran.

Nescus  \nes-kuhs\  The river that flows from the mountains north of Bastul through the city and into the bay.

Nijambu  \ni-jam-bew\  An ancient and primitive trade port, far to the south and beyond the reach of the Orudan Empire.  One of the last functional pieces of infrastructure of a civilization that began its decline before the Orudan Empire was founded.

Noster  \no-ster\  Scribe who serves under Maeryn while she is second-in-command of the Resistance.

Nortuk  \nohr-tuhk\  City in the Northern Territory of the Orudan Empire, located South of Orlek.

Nucotu  \new-coh-tew\  City in the Southern Territory of the Orudan Empire, located north of Bastul.

Orlek  \ohr-lek\  Capital city of the Northern Territory of the Orudan Empire, located on the northern border of Empire, near the uncharted territory of the Korgan.

Orud  \oh-rewd\  Capital city of the Orudan Empire, located in the center of the land bridge which connects the two main landmasses of the Empire.

Orudan  \oh-rew-dan\  The people of the Empire of Orud.

Quartus  \kwohr-tuhs\  Financier of Bahari’s trade business.

Rainer  \rey-ner\  Childhood friend and fellow monastery student with Kael.

Rameel  \rah-mey-el\  The All Powerful.  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Saba  \sah-buh\  Childhood mentor and friend of Kael.  Also known as Sariel.

Samsapeel  \sam-sah-pey-el\  One of the mystical beings Saba describes to Kael after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Sariel  \sah-ree-el\  One of the mystical beings named after the defeat of the All Powerful.  Later known as Saba.

Satarel  \sah-tah-rel\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Semjaza  \sem-jah-zah\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Soren  \sohr-en\  Childhood friend and fellow monastery student with Kael.

Suppard  \suh-pahrd\  Coastal city in the Northern Territory of the Orudan Empire, located west of Orlek.

Suriku  \sew-ree-kew\  Princess of the Fortress City and love interest of Kael.

Syvak  \si-vuhk\  The singular name for a member of the Syvaku.

Syvaku  \si-vuh-kew\  The barbaric peoples of the uncharted territory southwest of Bastul.

Tamiel  \tam-ee-el\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Thaddius  \tha-dee-uhs\  Commissioner of Bastul who serves beside the governor and handles civilian matters.

Tim Matthews  \tim math-yewz\  Senior analyst for the mysterious organization helping Adair.

Trenus  \tren-uhs\  Friend of Saba.  Lives in the farmlands northwest of Bastul.

Trupo  \trew-poh\  Maeryn’s carriage driver while she served as second-in-command of the Resistance.

Tur’cen  \ter-sen\  The largest island in the Eastern Territory of the Orudan Empire, located southwest of Cerrar.

Turel  \tewr-el\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Ukiru  \ew-keerew\  Teacher and mentor to Kael while he lived at the Monastery.

Zaquel  \za-kwel\  One of the mystical beings Saba names after the defeat of the All Powerful.

Zula  \zew-luh\  Head female slave in the household of Adair.  Friend of Maeryn.